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15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • superbantom
    3rd Mar 2021
    begin the construction of a massive library in my capital, containing copies of all scientific literature along with having build in research facilities and a university. continue to expand my nations knowledge of physics, improve scientific equipment and build more universites and research labs. come up with the theory of the atom, begin to search for electrons and investigate reports of miners feeling ill when near certain ores and try to extract the element/s causing this.
  • Umm
    3rd Mar 2021
    Work on a battleship project, which is to create 1 working prototype for testing purposes. It is to be equipped with [secret stuff] and powered by [I do wonder, secrets perhaps]. It will have a minimum of [you bet]. We will also create supermassive drydocks in our major shipyards in order to house the production of both this ship, and all future projects of the Navis Imperialis.
  • Umm
    3rd Mar 2021
    Start to use electricity, mainly in the form of lightbulbs and electrical motors. Search for magnetic elements. Work on setting up a chemical company meant to produce any chemicals that are not found in nature or that require intensive and/or extensive processing. Continue our efforts to get that sweet black gold. If we already have ICEs, then start the work on perfecting them, they will use coalgas until we can get alternative fuel sources.
  • Umm
    3rd Mar 2021
    Continue work on our gunpowder mixture, in attempts to make it less unstable and sensitive and more powerful. Start work on the projects listed in the DMs, and make a subfaction of the followers of the Omnissiah meant to aid in the general workforce. Establish schools specifically meant to train people's logistical skills in order to streamline our production and transportation. Implement training to use and maintain our newest technology into the boot camp.
  • DragonEggLol
    3rd Mar 2021
    Continue improving our vehicles. Continue building defenses and large military complexes. Improve our seawalls and continue improving our ICEs and steam engines as well. We'll only use the steam engines in specialized industries. Start improving our ironclads and make a warship close to the USS Monitor style, with a low profile and rotating turret, and reasonably fast internal combustion engines. Start working on industrial agriculture, and make large farming machines to help farming.
  • MrPineapple
    3rd Mar 2021
    @MinecraftTranquility my bad didn't know that we were a semi-industrial kingdom
  • MinecraftTranquility
    3rd Mar 2021
    t00tt33t Sure?
  • Fury_star
    3rd Mar 2021
    Define "with a bang"
  • AntigrainWarhead
    3rd Mar 2021
    guys can i join in but... with a bang?
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    3rd Mar 2021
    Create masks and gloves that doctors and nurses can wear while consulting patients. Build isolation wards to house patients suspected of being infected by a contagious disease. Begin charging rent in the affordable housing but keep it low enough for people to afford. Set up a program to help the tenants find jobs. Set up rehab programs for people with addictions. Increase the size of medical schools to increase student bodies.