Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
DragonEggLol Divisional army organization will help your military function more flexibly in the face of bad communication. IED fabrication is being drilled, as well as fire suppression/blitz tactics. Layered armor plating on ships provides unprecedented resistance to angled hits and even explosives. Batteries are under research.
superbantom Biology and medical knowledge is being concentrated on by your science community. Sterile medical facilities are able to better treat menial patients. Birthing clinics reduce infant mortality, increasing population growth. Atomic theory available. Gunpowder and weapon factories are rising in funds and production rates. Civilian ATTs are being produced.
DragonEggLol Your car prototypes are being given to a select few companies for them to then redistribute and fuel both logistical services and the economy itself. A powered glider managed to reach 45 seconds of flight time before the engine's weight brought it down.
DragonEggLol Cargo ship lines are actively shipping a constant flow of sulfur to the mainland. Gunpowder weaponry is in development and production, and infrastructural highways help civilians improve productivity.
superbantom Light iron gunpowder hand-bombs are being produced that can obliterate multiple human sized targets on detonation, the first "grenades". Hydroelectrical plants and power grids exponentially increase the production and self sustainability power of your overland cities.
Umm Asphalt replacement of older roads helps vehilces and supplies make it across the territory faster. Gasoline fed engines are under research, meanwhile steam engines are improving compression chambers for more power with less water supply to further power turbines. Your capital has surpassed the Crataran capital in size and height. Exoskeleton prototypes completed. Dynamite is being used to loosen stubborn deposits for easier instrument access.
superbantom Gliding apparatuses have proven relatively successful but unable to make it any sort of meaningful distances. Aerial engine tech is in development. Environmentally resilient strains of the glowshrooms are being selected for breeding. Streets and buildings and the capital are starting to become multi-tiered cities of their own, creating a multi-level city. Your new fleets will take some time to train and man with crewmen and guns.
Funi_Monke Expansion, mining, and military growth underway.
Umm White powder created, an ultra potent form of gunpowder with its general molecular structure rendered more unstable than black powder. (be careful, very sensitive to blunt force or kinetic force). Commissar reformation as well as command structure changes allow the army to function with more initiative and independence when separated or scattered. Elite squads will be tailored to breach even the most stubborn of enemy defenses, acting as speartips.
N2H4 Magnetic generation of electrica; current is being researched for amplification methods. Battery tech not possible yet, lithium needed.