64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • DragonEggLol
    2nd Mar 2021
    Begin developing "Do the orders you ni-"
  • Kolinski
    2nd Mar 2021
    please fulfill the the favor i sent you on discord MT i wont be seen again here...
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
  • DragonEggLol
    28th Feb 2021
    Research simple computers
  • superbantom
    28th Feb 2021
    create more ATT designs for military use, look into attaching a swivelable cannon onto a ATT along with making the design heavily armoured. look into ways of making ATTS and cars faster along with fitting them all with ICEs. begin to research a efficient way of refining silicon into its pure form along with using it for semiconductors in electronics. expand electrical component designs. create a design for a large paddle wheel powered steam ships for civillian and military use.
  • N2H4
    28th Feb 2021
    Develop methods of creating high explosives like fulminates, nitrotetrazoles, and azides. Contine funding research and development on higher capacity planes and bombers. Develop cars that run off of electricity in order to save fuel costs. Train 1000 troops.
  • DragonEggLol
    28th Feb 2021
    Continue improving our ships, and building more advanced ironclads with multiple layers of armor (now that our engines are much better). Invent naval mines to be used against ironclads. Research shrapnel bombs. Research celestial navigation and the tools required to navigate and create celestial maps to help. Research batteries, specifically, ones that store rotational energy, such as the flywheel energy storage, as well as simple dry cell batteries.
  • DragonEggLol
    28th Feb 2021
    Create a pairing system within our army. Divide our army into squads, so that they are both large and varied enough to provide safety to the entire unit. Have each squad be 20 soldiers total. Teach our army how to create IEDs, and have them be taught flanking maneuvers. If the enemy is in a fortress, we can have two groups. One stays behind cover and shoots, while the other group flanks from the side. This will allow the other group to blow up part of the fortress using IEDs.
  • superbantom
    28th Feb 2021
    continue to increase sulfur mining, expand the sulfur colony to the east to the main sulfur deposite. create factories focused on producing gunpowder. begin construction of another massive railway connecting the sulfur colony with my nation. begin to use the ATT for civillian use along with shrinking it down into a small civillian vehical called a "car" make sure at least 10% of my population has a "car" and create factories focused on manufacturing cars and ATTS.
  • Kolinski
    28th Feb 2021
    We have officaly submitted surrender againt "Imperium Of Man", disband the military army, we have some people that have already left the nation so they will get the news later....