Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
continue to axpand my nations knowledge of biology, especially human biology. advance medical equipment and begin to work on basic soaps and other methods of sanitisation. build more hospitals and schools and make operating rooms on hospitals as sterile as possible. create birthing clinics.continue to expand my nations knowledge of chemestry and look into even more useful chemicals and chemical reactions. create multiple "laws of physics" along with expanding my nations knowledge of physics.
Begin to privatize the vehicular industry, and sell designs of cars to companies, but have the most advanced technology reserved for the government. Start building gas stations for the cars. Begin replacing all of the steam engines in our nation with ICEs. Start early experiments with manned flight, and build a basic glider made out of wood and cloth. Try to attach a small engine to it to see if we can achieve at least 1 minute of powered flight.
Continue expansion. Start having dedicated cargo ships ship the sulfur back to us to speed up the process. Begin mass-producing gunpowder from the sulfur we have and set up dedicated factories for the gunpowder. Begin development of gunpowder weapons, traps, and other utilities of gunpowder. Build highways dedicated to vehicular travel, and begin transforming all of our old concrete roads into high-quality roads designed to withstand long-term use.
begin to create gunpowder based explosives, begin to use these in mining to increase efficiency. construct large generators using steam wind and water power to generate electricity. begin working on and mass producing guns. begin to dam rivers and create large hydrolectric power plants. research basic batteries and create large energy storage facilities. begin to create large power grids in cities and research basic electrical appliances. begin to work on lightbulbs.
massively expand my capital, begin to layer buildings and even streets on top of each other, build more storehouses, refinaries and cheap housing blocks underground. begin to implement cannons onto ships. begin to mass produce ships until I have 200 combat capable ships, once a ship has been build, fitted with cannons and launched send them to reinforce the attack on libertalia. cover my capital island`s coasts with shipyards and ports. build many more tree farms.
Continue work on the "exoskeletons". Start working on explosives like TNT. Set up a chemical subdivision of the army meant to work on chemicals and their usage in miliary application, this ranges from TNT to chlorine gas. Start using dynamite in the mining efforts in order to speed up mining by digging small holes in which the dynamite shall be put so the rock gets weakened. Work on producing mining drills and pumpjacks.
Start to upgrade our infrastructure with asphalt. Once development on ICEs is complete, start to work on both them and coalgas ICEs, and work on producing early cars. Continue work on electrical motors. Work on making steam engines more efficient, and start to make coal power plants which will generate steam which shall turn a turbine. Continue expansion efforts toward areas currently not being contested by enemy forces. Work on improving our heavy industry.
research the properties of aerodynamics, construct multiple prototype gliders and begin to research a steam engine design ligh enough to be carried by a glider and capable of powering a propellor allowing. further improve my nations eductation system and begin to supply a large amount of educational reading and resources to all levels of schools. continue to selectively breed glowshrooms for easy care and hardyness so they require less support. continue to improve ICE and steam engine designs.
Expand south and begin the prodcution of miens in the mountains. Develop warm clothing and begin forming an army. Expand the borders.
Elite division shalls be compromised of the best of these already elite squads. Each elite squad will compromise of 10 men, 10 squads of elites will form a company of elites, 10 companies forms a division of 1000 soldiers. The elite squads will also have the a command squad much like their non elite brethren. These elite squads are to be a precision tool on the squad level and a needle at the company level, meant to pierece, not smash the enemy lines.