Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Start mass producing gunpowder weaponry and gunpowder itself. Begin work on refining our gunpowder and turning it into [le secret, check DMs]. Give commissars direct authority to execute any men on the field if they feel it to be needed. Each "division" of 1000 men will be split in 10 squads of 100 men, out of whom the first squad is to be compromsied of the the most elite troops of the squad. This is where commissars will be recruited from aswell if the need arises.
Begin experimentation with magnets, their interaction with electricity, and ways to weaponize them such as simple rail/coilguns. Develop more effective motors and ground transportation. Create batteries with better energy storage at lower mass/volume for use in electrically powered vehicles.
Put an emphasis on the safety and health of the population. Create fire stations and hydrants for hosing down fires. Improve the police force in quantity and make jails harder to penetrate via heavier human surveilance. Try to move on from basic remedies and try to make basic soaps, invent pennicilin, and implement these into hospitals and stores.
Send twenty ships loaded with items for colonization in seek of lands to the west. Give them long-range piercing defenses. Experiment with small catapults for bringing larger payloads to higher distances, and use them to try and create the basics of aerodynamics. Using said wheels, axles, and driveshafts in the previous order, propose the basic small vehicle and begin progressing with it.
Create materials such as asphalt, concrete, and extract rubber. Use these resources for building construction/improvement, main roads, and create specific tools for operating with these materials easier. Find ways to convert the motion of a steam engine into rotary motion, for the first in-nation motorized wheels, axles, and driveshafts, as well as the improvement of gear speeds. Use engines to support the city defenses by mechanically enchancing them; increassing range, power, and velocity.
Attempt to make the first lightbulbs, inductors, and basic heaters. If successful, begin a campaign to create a large power grid for the capital and a few ports. Use engines to create power for these small power grids. Attempt to create an engine cylinder for an internal combustion engine. Begin making walls and fortresses around cities for their defenses. Start improving on the efficency of drills to find resources such as titanium or gold.
Create farms in the plains. Create leather tents for our people so they don't have to sleep on muds when it rains. Herd animals for leather and food, but also go on hunts for food. Research ways to keep these animals in, since they run when you get near them.
Begin researching better tools like shovels to make flattening out land easier, as well as axes to make cutting down trees easier. Require all men to become soldiers, and use these new recruits to expand south, to get more wood in our hands. Continue to work on better clothing, leather caps, thick leather armor, thick leather shoes so our feet don't get impaled by random pointy sticks.
start making guns that work like a flamethrower but insted throw out very hot water steam (there is a compartment that burns fuel at high temps and evoprates the water) if the guns are too hot to be hold make them stationary weaposn
make a giant even stick, put gliders on it, strap a bomb to it, try to lauch it with a ballista,start to make experiments with velocity and big arrows (how far can we throw em?)