Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Begin development and experimentation with lightweight and flexible but still strong metals for use in armoring for vehicles and planes. Develop ways of using sulfur and gunpowder to deliver incendiary or toxic weapons at longer ranges. Attempt to use planes to drop explosives or incendiary/chemical weapons. Expand industry and manufacturing of military and civilian goods. Continue the fundraising efforts.
Begin extraction and processing of the newly discovered sulfur into gunpowder. Develop simple muskets to use with them. Continue optimization and modification of planes and ground vehicles. Begin development of compact and stable military rations to cut down on food costs. Begin experimentation with ways of long range communication like Morse code. Reinforce and stabilize city infrastructure.
send a supply of rifles,battle axes,bombs,mammoths and some wolfes to furys nation, send him copies of our blueprints, make coal powered electric stations, put street lamps on the streets use the electrity to make heaters so we dont freeze to death
Also start harvesting resources from the forest the south of the capital...expand in all directions in the mainland.Start colonizing the forest regions ...
Highly increase funding for research in technology for betterment of nations development and security...also start setting up fishing market...encourage fishermen to fish along the eastern coastlines.
Also start building tunnels along the coastlines...for underground railway sytem and army training..Also setup bunkers made of the best alloys if possible.Intensify training ,introduce new methods to keep the army /navy in the best form.
Start building better houses for citizens...set up charity events to collect resources and distribute amongst the poor.Set up feedback counters throughout the nation to better understand the citizens needs. Begin with an election procedure so that the nation is divided into small states and ruled by mininsters appointed on the will of the people through elections.
Also start mass campaings to encourage and recruit more citizens to join army /navy....Start researching for transportation trough air....Build stronger and lighter weapons...Improve market system by reducing taxation from foreign goods..and also start training soldiers/ navy in batches for colonizing and gaining the eastern continent.
Start sending ships with colonists and armed troops along with mappers and the eastern continent as soon as possible. Also research on new forms of machinary to manufacture weapons faster and in a more efficient manner...Try improving trade relations with neighbouring countries, also start manufacturing various types and models of boats to increase security along the coastline.Start inventing for metter means of transportation.
start working on pistons, make them powerful enough so they can carry a entire bunker, when the pistons are done, use them to make bunkers that can be pulled down to be hidden and then be extended to shoot down the enemy, use the pistons on rifles, the piston creates pressure and relases the pressure so we dont need gunpowder, tip the bullets and arrows in drug juice, so even if you survive you gonne be asleep