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15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
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  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    AVeryBigNurd Interconencted industrial production centers help keep resource refineries and resource exportation/improtation within close proximity of one another. Mathematically enhanced precision methods of ore extraction are being utilized. Copper wires and the first basic circuits are being designed.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    DragonEggLol Coal electricity is proving to be highly well supplied due to the density of fossil fuel deposits in the plains near you. Rudimentary plans for a power grid and being laid. Lighter armor is being designed as well. Livestock and crop interaction harvesting is being experimented with for optimal yields both ways, and terracing allows for slopes to be converted as well which saves space overall.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    DragonEggLol Military strongholds are being built in advantageous positions across the territory, supplied subterranically in terms of water, food, and munitions. The confusing layouts will work both for you and against you. Microscopes vastly improve medical capabilities as well as almost any other category. Proletariat populations are being moved to the new industrial districts by sea and land.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    DragonEggLol ICE Vehicles are being designed using steam models as bases. Almost 80% of your navy is composed of ironclads. The library is under construction and information acquisition. Concrete formula is being revised to include stronger conglomerate materials for structural integrity under pressure. City parks provide better oxygen and help keep the urban populations supplied with fresher air. Mobile vehicular warfare is being trained to your troops.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    DragonEggLol Sulfur mines are sending back incremental shipments of the valuable material. Conveyor production increases assembly line manufacturing efficiency. White phosphorus is discovered as a viable chemical weapon, and quartz-steel alloys are being tested.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    Umm Large filtration and distillation plants are being commissioned for water purification. Your military RDCs request permission to utilize "full contact motivational methods". Tougher wooden hulls are being created from the aged wood.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    superbantom Electromagnetic generation with kinetic energy is being developed. Rubber and other insulation materials are being formulated to withstand higher temperatures from current flow. Stronger steel braced buildings are being built instead of iron braces. Titanium ore is beign located and dislodged much more easier using the newer methods of mining. Your housing spaces are being taken up by miner workforces, you are running out of space to house your own citizens.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    superbantom For high velocity cannons they will have to use 3-6 pound cannonballs, and for guns they need a higher powder granule count per packet. An international railroad network is under construction, as well as a glowshroom public lighting system, which will need botanical maintenance periodically throughout each month ti=o keep the mushrooms healthy.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Feb 2021
    superbantom Surplus food is being distributed to your labor force in addition to pay. ATT heavy transport vehicles are being created for traversal of almost any intermediately sloped terrain. For 30 mph you need more powerful turbine engines. Gun powder weaponry is being designed based on existing types.
  • Kolinski
    28th Feb 2021
    ik im just reminding