Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Continue improving our already made ICE and start working on a prototype ICE vehicle. Continue converting our ships to ironclads, and build 20 more of them. Start making a national library of scientific knowledge, with references, detailed chemical reactions, physics, aerodynamics, and mechanical manipulation of chemical reactions.
Once our ships reach the sulphur, start building mines and supply lines back to our mainlands. Start implementing larger machinery in our mines, and develop conveyer belts to use in our mines and in our automated production lines. Continue development of chemical weapons and chemical explosives, and try to develop TNT. Start researching the perfect amount of quartz to put into the steel.
Start working on purifying water both at mass for the civilian population and in the field for the military. Continue working on making shelf stable food primaraly for use by the military. Begin working on more advanced military strategies. Start to intensify the commissar and officer training to ensure that the highest quality of soldiers are made by them. Expand our drydocks, so we could leave otherwise finished wood hulled ships in them in order to let the wood age and gain more strength.
continue to expand mining efforts along the crater wall, intensify following titanium veins with the aim to refine and stockpile a huge amount of titanium bars for future use. improve mine safety and begin to distrubute cheap matal hardhats with the bottoms lined with cloth to miners. improve the designs of pickaxes. create large refinary towns outside of mines and build more mines and refinaries all over my nation, continue to take the homeless off the streets and give them a job in the mines.
begin to look into electricity, create large factories focused on creating copper wire and other electrical components. look into electromagnets and naturally occuring magnetic materials along with electrical insulators. using magnets create basic compasses for navigation. continue to improve public infrastructue, look into ways of making sturdier buildings. create huge blocks of flats ouside of factories to house the workers, continue to improve automation in factories.
using the sulfur from my south eastern colony begin to experiment with creating basic sulfur based explosives (gunpowder) and creating high velocity projectile weapons with them (guns and cannons). continue to improve the designs of trains for higher speed and higher cargo capacity. begin construction of a large train netork all over my nation. begin construction of a large underground subway tunnel connecting my capital to the mainland and lit by the glowing mushrooms.
the "ATT" will be able to move on most flat or moderately rough terrains. develop a ICE capable of moving the "ATT" at up to 30 mph
begin a large propoganda campaign encouraging population growth, distrubute a large amount of spare food to the workers. continue to construct the railway to my western colony, create supply towns along it to aid with constuction and expansion in the surrounding area. create the "all terrain train" or "ATT", a steam or ICE powered vehicle with catterpiller tracks around the size of a train car, designed for public transport and civillian and military use.
begin a massive effort to cultivate and selectively breed the glowing mushrooms, select them for fast growth, a much stronger glow and easyness to grow. begin to use them as a common lighsource in my nation. create a large plumbing network across my nation using copper pipes and steam powered pumps along with water purification facilities with the aim to give the entirety of my nation clean running water. continue to expand agricultural production. create steam powered tractors and harvesters.
begin to mine and stockpile sulfur im my southwest colony, repurpose 2 of the colony ships as sulfur transports. put more funding into all levels of schools. begin a large effort to catalog all known species. continue to expand my nations knowledge of chemestry and its periodic table. come up with the theory of gravity. create glass test tubes for chemestry. create more efficient printing presses and begin to mass produce intelligence tests for use in schools.