Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Have every unit accompanied by a field medic as well and a communications officer equipped with a pigeon. Have our troops trained in guerilla warfare and teach them how to create traps and ambushes and enemy supply raids. Improve defenses in cities and surround the capial with a defensive wall, armed with those super catapults and ballista..
begin conducting combined arms drills to increase cooperation between cavalry and infantry units. Expand military industry and food supply. Expand our training curriculum to increase cpabilities. Conduct naval exercises on a larger scale and begin training both naval and army units to use the messenger pigeons. Begin training army nurses and doctors to establish field hospitals to prevent our troops from traveling hundreds of miles to seek treatment.
Finish off the resistance in the red nation and begin integrating it. Form a police service there due to possible increase in criminal activity. Improve our containment and obsrving/studying methods in the disease lab, and begin studying aerodynamics. Continue working on chemical research and construct laboratories for it. Begin studying physics as well. Build a scientific library to contain all known knowledge of various subjects, open to the scientific community for reference.
Begin building mines and asettlement in the colony and begin extracting the sulfur. Expand our mines and increase the use of machinery. Increase automation in factories and offer the laid off workers jobs in other manufacturing departments or jobs in the mines or military. Open department stores in cities to sell household goods. Begin selling automobiles as well. Search our new territory for valuable resources.
N2H4 Dried meats are a prime product for mass production and distribution for cheap expenditure, as well as some crops, however rice takes the top slot for such purposes, as it grows in abundance within your territory. If you acquire gunpowder you can fire inciendary payloads much further than normal siege engines or artillery pieces.
superbantom Steam engine boiler system has been scaled down without water supply reduction by thinning out the boiler material and replacing it with steel.
Umm Steam powered exo suits are being researched. The concept will be highly difficult to realize but it should be possible if they can miniaturize the steam apparatus enough for human scale. The tech branch of your imperial faith helps hybridize religion and science, allowing them to work in one anothers favor, the successes of each boosting the other's resources.
Tuna_ Geek fire is being put into clay containers for grenade usage. Your expedition is underway.
Tuna_ Now with a steady supply of gunpowder, your explosive cannon balls can be manufactured at much higher rates. Glass ballista bolts are being created, although they are very brittle and can shatter against tougher forms of armor plating or padding. They are really only useful against foot troops or ships, and they cannot be made denser yet due to fire temperature limitations, you need hotter forges.