Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
N2H4 Your expansion promotion allows for larger provinces to be annexed. Regional materials are being experimented with for utility value.
Fury_star Yooo, you can absolutely join, MrPineapple is taking a break which means you can occupy his spot until he gets back. Gimme ur nations coords and color plz.
NuttyMcNuttzz The kingdom capitulates reluctantly to your final offer, their troops in tatters from the first engagement, it is apparent that they have not seen war for centuries.
MrPineapple You have basic swords and bows, no need for sticks and stones.... wow that was convenient. You have a decent lumber supply due to being surrounded by woodland. Sweet grass can be consumed in large quantities for both humans and livestock, and animal hides can protect from the elements.
CMarcoF 100 Ships is wayy too much, however you're able to output 30 ships. Expansions will gradually spread out.
AVeryBigNurd Steam and cobustion engines are being developed, with even a hybridized model under drafting. The naval force is growing stronger with each update on equipment and design.
NuttyMcNuttzz The new science council helps coordinate scientific efforts such that colleagues can avoid redundant results and conflicting information. Troops are being drilled in the art of terrain manipulation and attrition tactics to their advantage.
NuttyMcNuttzz More factories and dockyards increases ironclad manufacturing ability. Working insurance as well as paid vacation allows your manufacturers to push more ambitious quotas without worrying about strikes. Separation of military and civilian food supplies allows for more efficient resupplication of field armies within close proximity.
NuttyMcNuttzz Vehicular armor design is being developed, and ship armor is being thickened at the cost of speed. Self carried food supply helps your troops build endurance as well as eliminate the need for flimsier supply lines that can be cut or intercepted temporarily. Battlefield appraisal is being ordered and drilled, and pigeon messages allow for much faster relays of information.
NuttyMcNuttzz Livestock fed cavalry units are being formed from the carnivore horses, however their training speed is only 50% as fast as regular cavalry as riders need to be especially skilled and adept enough to control these steeds. The animals required to feed the cavalry will slow down the divisions overall, making them slower than conventional cavalry, however terrifyingly effective when given enemy humans to consume in battle.