64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
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  • 7shotsolo
    24th Aug 2021
    stop defensive buildup, we had enough anyway.
  • Umm
    23rd Aug 2021
    Well, not officially.
  • Watboi1
    23rd Aug 2021
    7shot isnt a vassal lmao.
  • MrPineapple
    23rd Aug 2021
    Ruh roh, 7shotsolo is getting in trouble. Stop being disobedient you silly vassal. You abide by Umm's laws, just as I do. You are a vassal. That will not change. Ever. Welp time for my orders. I'm lazy today so please just enhance tech in general, and begin modernizing anything we can. Develop better systems for transmitting messages, and what tech do we need to make power stations? You seem to ignore that order each time I put it in, so it must mean that I do not suffiecient technology.
  • Umm
    23rd Aug 2021
    No, this isn't how this will work. You will abide by my rules, and that's how things will be. No amount of defensive buildup will save you if you anger me.
  • 7shotsolo
    23rd Aug 2021
    if i need boats, i will auto-make them, but you know, i will be an autonomous state as long as I dont use my millitary against you, ok?
  • 7shotsolo
    23rd Aug 2021
  • Umm
    23rd Aug 2021
    7shot, you currently don't have a navy, nor do you have any significant military assets. The buildup of any navy or military assets at all will be used against you.
  • 7shotsolo
    23rd Aug 2021
    its a puppet.
  • 7shotsolo
    23rd Aug 2021
    if i take the colari tax 2 wealth pixels each for Umm and me MUAHAHAHA.