Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
optimize all city systems and add defenses to evry city and add extra-durable walls to protect my nation and adds ambush mode to overwhelm my enemies via speed.
creates 45nm chips in order to calculate the most optimal tactics for every solder tank and plane and boat in order to optimize evry strategy and adds radar/lidar system in order to create a map of all nearby areas.
... idiot
creates better armor that uses kinetic energy to absorb railgun blasts and uses energy resevoirs to use the extra power to be more durable and blasts more powerful
creates my own version of a railgun that is portable and recoiless.
research tanks better composite armour for said tanks continue railgun research and try to reduce the cost of the railguns and recontinue artificial Human Growth Hormones research so the elites are even stronger and research transiters that are at least 50nm
ok ok heres my turn
Also remember that Nationwide DORR will presumably begin running sometime either this month or sometime next month. You can always restart there on what is the closest thing you can get to a level playing field.
Now both of you, Toot and 7shot please compile all of your orders into as few messages as possible. Otherwise MinecraftTranquility may have a hard time responding to them appropriately. Also 7shot may I add that the orders youve given so far could be considered a massive military buildup, something Umm would consider a valid Cassus Beli against you.
Toot intellect is hardly related to breathing. Its an autonomic function.