Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
As Nurd's name implies, he is no longer a full strength nation but instead a enclave.
and as i said earlier send the scanning ships to 264,38
uhh why is a very big nurd changed to XX OPEN XX
MrPineapple Factories are being repurposed and your education system is being reformated into a better refined state.
7shotsolo Also your stability is dropping due to international tensions being intensified by localized Imperial patrols in close proximity.
7shotsolo North of you is located the ruins of an older Prazic empire, their abandoned cities and infrastructure might help you obtain easy resources and refined materials. Also the green nation below you has been made aware of its precarious buffer state position, it wishes to merge with your nation in an act of mutual preservation.
t00tt33t Ground scanners complete, ships being sent to your coords, but 193 91 is occupied by Rubidians... Superconductors complete.
and if it somehow works Umm will just do more merciless genocide
and if you try to do a rebellion the chances of actually suceeding is nil
oooh looks like 7shot nation will be VERY short lived