Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Send a welcome party to whatever that red and green thingy near us is and give them gifts so they wont have much reason to blow our nation to smitherenes for any reason.
If not already done, repurpose factories that made military items prior to vassalization into civilian ones.
Begin creating a good eduction system and find out what we can and cannot do under the vassalization of IOM, and send some expeditions to expand our teritory in whichever way we are allowed to. Use this new land for more mines, if possible more farmland, factories and possibly power stations so long as we have the technology and means to do so, and begin exploring the ocean and make merchant ships.
oh yeah its been abit so i forgot your nation has magic
Purple bar represents mana. The purple pixels are mine.
wait i just realize watboi has a purple bar and 7shot has no bars
im going crazy due to that.
just make food and solders... wait not the solders. CAN I JUST WAGE MY OWN WARS!?
just kidding divert trading to Umm only so I can at least not get attacked.
its survival of the fittest not survival of the weak nice people