Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
its just tips not rules and these 2 choices could work to varying degrees in different nationwides.
7shot, this nationwide doesn't operate like the other smaller ones do. You need natural resources which means you need more land or advanced tech, and you need population. You need both of those in large quantities to field a well armed and large army.
you know what, i'll give the discord a try, but it might not work out very well.
RubidianLabs i may be not a player here but you could either go tank by maximizing all production of food people defenses and military which will either protect you or make you small or you can strike first and rapidly develop which will make you stronk but will make you unlikable by the players here.
And I can assure you that Discord is the better place for issuing orders, diplomacy or just talking with the other unfortunate sods
i know but it's just WAY more covenient for me, i assure you
its not so bad, I urge you to use the discord where 95% of the players are
besides, i only use the web version not the app which makes it even more inconvenient to use discord
well, i do have discord but i don't use it often so it's more convenient to say everything in the comments
- cough cough nudge nudge