Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I saw your comment on one of my saves, i would like to take a color.
and turn the uninhabited islands into construction sites for the railguns that will shoot depleted uranium or tungsten (depleted uranium is preferrable) rods and 10 cargo ships with adequete defenses to fend off small ships
ok research better ways of mining and research AMB's (or Autonomous Mining Bot) and research the other prerequisite techs for it
t00tt33t Alright, the underground cities are becoming your strongest economic income due to the massive ore exports. Basic railguns are underway, and your military leadership has been secured.
and move ALL of my generals and other high priority figures into a private bunker with VERY strict security
and research VERY basic railguns cooled with liquid hydrogen cuz thats probably the best coolant we have
okay reinforce the borders make a secret police to prevent this from happening again and research geothermal power and expand the underground cities and add acid resistant plates to those cities
The only person I am invading, or exterminating, is Tuna.
MrPineapple Watboi is reborn.