64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • AntigrainWarhead
    4th Jul 2021
    make stronger bunkers for diplomats and and the president(me) and attach libraries to the civilian bunkers to preserve knowledge
  • AntigrainWarhead
    4th Jul 2021
    if chaos is on the streets try to make propaganda to calm the citizens
  • AntigrainWarhead
    4th Jul 2021
    mt what is my current population how happy is the citizens have riots broken out
  • AntigrainWarhead
    4th Jul 2021
    expand the bunkers add more hydroponics make EDEN kits to recolonize the wasteland if we get nuked make large warehouses in the bunkers to store food water and hazmat suits research large scale batteries to store power in the bunkers
  • superbantom
    3rd Jul 2021
    in a probably useless effort send diplomats to pleed the halting of arztotzken forces
  • superbantom
    3rd Jul 2021
    cityship continued: try to complete the cityship as soon as possible ( around 5 million people working on it should manage to conplete it quite quickly) after launch have my navy escort it. to get enough resources for the cityship`s construction scrap all infrastructure that is not neccisary for its rapid construction, use this to both build the cityship and a large shipyard to speed up construction. stockpile as much fuel, goods and resources onto the cityship.
  • superbantom
    3rd Jul 2021
    city ship continued: stockpile the cityship with as much food as possible and give it large hydroponics bays to grow as much food as possible, put ALL of my remaining researchers on looking into methods of surviving on the cityship possibly indefinately and task most of my nations engeneers onto researching an engine large enough to propell the cityship, if i have the technology fit it with a large nuclear reactor, if not find another way of generating enough power to run it.
  • superbantom
    3rd Jul 2021
    ORDERS: EVACUATE!!! EVACUATE!!! EVACUATE!!!, use my nations remaining military to fend off the arztotzken forces, scrap all land based infrastructure and use the resources to build one huge cityship, an ark or my remaining population heavily armoured and with many large guns to fend off attackers, it must carry 100,000 people although 1 to 5 million would be nice. put ALL of my non military population to work on it.
  • Jebediah_kerman
    2nd Jul 2021
    cool I like it
  • Watboi1
    2nd Jul 2021
    I think thats the jist if it. I really like the concept tbf.