Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
so your nation is just sentient dolphins
x:604 y:272
I would like to join as an aquatic nation by the name of The Integrated Republic of Dolphins (IRD for short)
make 10 more destroyer with a thick outer layer and use a mix of bolts and welding to keep the armour together
x:383 y:163
its definitely too late to join but can I join none the less? I can be The Ice People and start on the iceberg islands or somethin, and have ice magic idk
put all of the sam turrets near airports seaports and the bunkers
reinforce the bunkers add lead plates to the bunkers and our soldiers armour research bulletproof glass and make new helmets out of it and titanium alloys and also make the body armour out of titanium alloys
dont reroute the planes ground all flights and ships strap cannons and machine guns on the planes and put more cannons on the ships train 50k troops expand the bunkers research missiles and sam turret make tons of coastal cannons research higher caliber weapons and mass produce those weapons ans research basic long range comms
oh i thought dragonjames was in the south sorry re route all the planes to nearby landmasses