Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
so were just waiting for the next update
and research basic batteries
research basic computer chips and diodes and resistors (if we havent already) then research basic screens to make the first computer and then research radios and transmitters and recievers to make a very simple internet
Begin relying a lot more on nuclear reactors for power producting and start trying to produce synthetic fuel to rely less on fossil fuels. Continue expansion of our industry and create large supply lines to make sure our factories are as efficient as possible. Begin using computer simulations to plan factory placements. Focus on getting a large percent of the population in the working class.
Continue working on advanced biotechnology and cybernetics. I believe we were developing better batteries for our exoskeletons. Look into high cycle life fluoride ion batteries. They have the potential to last eight times longer than lithium batteries, but its also reactive and hard to stabilize. We could use liquid electrolytes to stablize it. Look into sodium, magnesium, and aluminum batteries as well.
Continue development of our computer chips and supercomputers. Begin implementing the newly developed cryptographic hash functions in our nation's cybersecurity network and our secure online archives. Continue downsizing our supercomputers and begin training an advanced targeting system for our armored vehicles on them. Once that is done, begin testing it on some old vehicles that we have so we can have some real life data, not just simulated.
Continue work on nuclear submarines. Develop standardized nuclear warheads capable of attaching to missiles, tropedoes, and develop the first nuclear tropedoes. Begin development of advanced naval mines and torpedoes. Continue developing alternate fuel sources, and work on fusion reactors. Since we were already developing thorium reactors, start testing some prototypes and see if they are efficient enough yet.
oh i forgot to mention yesterday that i assume when someone leaves their territory turns into ruins
Continue expansion of our nuclear industries and nuclear technology. Increase the size of our cities underground and begin expansion to rural areas. Build large amounts of factories in the new areas, we are to be focusing on industry and mass production in the new areas. Continue work on advanced detection methods, RADAR, SONAR, and LIDAR. Start looking through the archives of the superbantom nation to see if there are any secret places that could still hide resistance.
oh and also research altimeters and speedometers and other equipment use for long range aerial navigation and also build carrier planes capable of carrying at least 60 troops with the ammo and guns