Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Begin constructing the temples mentioned in the DMs in the location that were also mentioned in the DMs. Begin constructing mints around the livestock pens in the cities. These are to harvest them to produce the SCs mentioned in the DMs. Also harvest those that were already stored. Begin the activation of the GV as mentioned at the end of the DM. Begin the development of PM and find an effective way to produce it en masse even if it requires some sacrifice.
Begin the mass production of the ROH boxes. 100S Roh Boxes are to be considered important for all Clusters to have. Build 10,000S ROH Boxes with government funding and ensure that are cities have full coverage with them. Build a super 1,000,000S ROH Box in the capital. Begin building the schools specified in the DMs. Those that fail the school after 5 years are to not be purged instantly but become acolytes of the CoTS after which they will be sacrificed ritually. Schools will demand excellence.
I will nationalize all industry and delegate authority to government agents. Order that production be set to max. I will also send out scouts to search for resources.
Zdrot You are in, orders are open btw.
t00tt33t Higher minimum wage increases stability, and vehicle factories allow for public access to personal transportation.
t00tt33t Diesel submarines are being developed, however you do not possess a high amount of fossil fuels to refine in your territory. You will need to acquire mainland wells for a better supply. The triple hull sub design will be VERY heavy and expensive, slowing the maximum speed of the sub to a crawl, however this will make it one of the most durable oceanic naval vessels in the world.
DragonEggLol Thermoelectric generators will be implemented in future satellite constructions, and the reactors will be maximized for power efficiency and minimal deterioration of fuel. Further standard increases in military academic levels will allow for a higher quality soldier content but recruitment processes will be slower and more expensive. Urban flood pump systems will be designed to drain even high speed flash flooding within hours. Supersonic jet designs are being drafted.
DragonEggLol The DSN system is being formed, your smallest utility yet is the new 10mm by 3mm computer chip, most powerful and compact of its kind. Cooled supercomputer apparatuses allow for advanced research control tests to be simulated without much time constraint and maintenance required.
DragonEggLol Usage of the GTNT in naval shells has proved astoundingly successful. The naval guns have been amplified in power expeonentially, and can create detonations rivaling that of actual nuclear bombs, though without radiation, significantly weaker shockwaves and no EMP effects. However naval guns seem to be the only armaments big and durable enough to withstand firing this type of ammunition. Regular artillery guns exploded into a shower of metal scraps upon attempting to discharge GTNT.