12 / 4
22nd Feb 2021
21st Jul 2021
this water filter right here turns riverwater into clean fresh water it removes salt from saltwater and turns normal water into distilled water and any excess gunk is disposed of :note as of the latest update it can now process solids
water filter


  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    also i need to figure out how to not write paragraphs of text and summerize
  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    now its a futuristic product that would run on a hydrophonic generator and i mean it seems like it would be practical i mean it can filter any water and if it contains salt then you can use that salt while camping and idk put it on a cooked fish to make it taste better
  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    originaly it was supposed to be made in such a way that you might see it in real life but then it started getting complicated and i went nuclear
  • tonimark
    23rd Feb 2021
    here id:2667799
  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    i would say yes if i could find it
  • tonimark
    23rd Feb 2021
    this save is good everyone just , yeah everyone is noob that vote themselves and bad saves only few people are the ones that appriciates good save , by the way do you like my water filter?
  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    welp i guess nobody is gonna say why since they just go from save to save downvoting to make people feel bad
  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    i am asking this as a question and i would like an answer from one of the people that spam downvote on new
  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    i mean do they just downvote new because it isnt theirs
  • bryiscool
    23rd Feb 2021
    im starting to wonder why everyone hates everything i make i mean like really hates