12 / 7
19th Mar 2021
26th Mar 2021
This is the newest alloy created by BryTech Alloys Research Department,It is the new strongest alloy developed by us it is resistent to virus and grvt with protons which killed our last few alloys and this one includes bhol and clne (soap)


  • bryiscool
    19th Mar 2021
    oh so you are using the brokenly cheaty propertys of cray by using pscn
  • Muskadillo
    19th Mar 2021
    view this save: 2681284
  • bryiscool
    19th Mar 2021
    also its resistent to dest cray lasers that is if you arent using the super cheaty version of cray
  • bryiscool
    19th Mar 2021
    cray and tesc cant kill this unless its a properly made dest laser
  • Muskadillo
    19th Mar 2021
    just use cray
  • bryiscool
    19th Mar 2021
    and yes i have a lot of pent up anger rn from something that just happened
  • bryiscool
    19th Mar 2021
    and if your gonna complain about clne and conv in a save go around to every save on tpt that uses the element conv and clne and downvote and leave a comment about the fact they use "cheaty" elements like ok we get it its meant to be strong not comply with your made up reasoning that clne and conv shouldnt be used in a save go complain to kyYay for him also using conv in a save go complain to every big creator on tpt for using conv and see how that ends
  • bryiscool
    19th Mar 2021
    ok that doesnt mean you have to hate it just leave a polite comment saying it uses cheaty materials not having to hate on it also your bombs prop just aint good enough to even damage it cuz your most likely new and dont even know conv materials exist and are good and are widely used to make stronger materials so dont come complaining cuz your bomb isnt strongs enough use some damned sing or something and stop complaining about conv and clne in a save titled the new strongest alloy
  • KEKC
    19th Mar 2021
    It use cheat materials, like CONV and CLNE -1
  • bryiscool
    19th Mar 2021
    also all the vibr alloys ive made can be used in tandem with vibr to suck out the tmp from the vibr and therfore making it harder to explode that vibr