7th Apr 2021
7th Apr 2021
Planetary destruction.
well i think i just released something stronger than dominion 3, and if not 3 then defiently 2. i did some time testing stuff but it seems to be a different winner on different bunkers so i dont know. most of it was just made with random trial and error but it still doesnt have the same long lasting effect that your bomb does.
actually, neither dmg or thdr are affected by pressure so you can see that both of them only move when a dmg blows up
that's a good idea, yeah thdr doesn't apply velocity just makes pressure (you can see it in effect if you drop some dmg in thdr, the dmg doesn't move because dmg isn't affected by pressure but dmg can move other dmg by applying velocity)
i just used dmg for the spreading of anar but i see that ligh does that pretty well to anar
ahhh i see, ill use thdr instead as it doesnt do that (i think) and has insane temperature
i dont think the aura part matters as much though, for now just try not using DMG in your next bomb and see if that works
well, it might be your use of DMG in your recent bombs... as far as im aware DMG instantly applies insane velocity to whatever it touches which can easily push bcln of the screen. also i think my bomb just has so much bcln that it kinda traps itself inside the bomb's "aura", and said aura probably blocks the bcln from being pushed off the screen so easily
the bcln stays there for so long when for some reason in my bombs it doesnt, but i set the life high so idk how that works
after all this time, i still havent made a bomb thats better than dominion, how on earth do you do it???
because it's super bright