Credit to coffee for the map. Fradsman for the borders. Discord is optional. To join, comment like this: "I wanna start in [city name] Color: [Color name/RGB]. Name: [Country name]" NationWide Discord Server:
Invading Antarctica
making TM-02 Khanjali tanks, making 2 nukes
how are you going to join there is only a tiny bit of land left
oh im a rebellion
so its a full game im making a new nationwide
1-built advanced tank factories.2-start building new better/more powerful/more effective warheads/nukes.3-trained more troops.4-built new factories.5-sending more troops/tanks to fisght with the anarchist commune against japan.6-built more advanced destroyers and battleship7-last but not least made new better/more advanced guns
as you say
i mean player (antiseeker700070
you going to start in a player land?