@lambsause I made Catkind's reactor without lsns
@lambsauce Would you like to place my reactor (ID:2748220)? Just turn it upside down to make a tube for NBLE.
@Emperor_of_Catkind The idea of extracting electrons directly seems rather impractical
@Emperor_of_Catkind yeah that may not be the best idea....
@lambsauce ...or maybe you think about using only TSNS?
@lambsauce I'ld like to ask you: how it should generate the power? It's all clear for heat (use TSNS), but what's about the electrons? I'm pretty skeptical about your proposal because, as I wrote below, electrons themselves do almost instantly hit NBLE particles. Should the spark transfere from NBLE to the conducting material, or which way? LSNS usage may be not very fair game, but AFAIK it gives the most stable power output.
@deuteactormadness Used it, thank you! I think most of the problems have been solved thanks to lithium.
@Emperor_of_Catkind Yes, electrons directly and fusion heat to create a semi-traditional method of fusion.