The V.S.S. Extinction Class Dreadnought Is among the largest in the Vooperian Armada, It is many times bigger than the VSS Vengance (In lore scale not TPT) Armed with a verity of weapons, The Extinction Is noting to mess with.
OHHH now i see, +1
Pexy? Or maybe vice versa
Burh, ya gotta be trolling.
bro you stole this
I re enabled pressure, cuz it was disabled for some reason.
I think vooperian saves get more hate than they generally deserve, there are expations however.
forgot +1
honestly i dont like vooperia,i wouldve liked it if it was not vooperian,no hate btw.
the whitehole and the layered materials make it very difficalt to use antimatter to break this thing. however, using CRAY is diffent.
it could be made antimater proof