Everyone can comment a single element and the Y and X coords where you want it to be, and i will add it. Press D for debug mode so you can see the coordinates on the Hud. Walls, stickmen, indestructable elements, bomb/dest and SING are not allowed.
virs not allowed
200 200 virs allowed?
@JonaHungary added!
342 111 MERC tmp: 99999 temp: 9999
pixel:ligh x:0, y:383.
@BenGBox neither of these are allowed, layers are not allowed and the high life count makes it invalid, i could however add a DEUT pixel with some 100 life if you wanted
whoever placed the proton, i see what you were trying to do there
if not just a deut life 99999999 near the same proton as ilovegam3z
amm allow to add a layered pixel cause i want deut life 99999999x4 under 1 prot