6th Aug 2021
24th Aug 2021
the issues hase been fixed so all updates will still happen here
UPDATE the wifi piece has been removed :( and replaced with the new ray pieces the ray emitter when powered sends out a burst of photons then the ray reciver picks them up and sends out a signal. enjoy :D
nice work!
BIG UPDATE i have done some organizing so everything should fit together nicer plus we have new machines being the cooler and loxy generator but we have also lost a part :'( the turbine has been removed as the pipe detector already covers it's uses
UPDATE i now have a desl generator and a new machines section
UPDATE now a bunch of things new coat of paint and deco, plus it should be easier to wire things up caus i painted all inputs cyan and all outputs orange have fun :D
after a LOT of tinkering the xnor gate finnaly works well so make shure to re-stamp it
\_(:/)_/ i have no idea what i am doing with logic
in the XNOR gate. They heat up to ~3300C
why are you using tung wires?