Originated from NUKEer's design this engine has aloy piston heads, bigger injectors, fixed and upgraded oil system,double fuel opurtunity and open exhaust system.Works with nitr, oil and diesel.Challenge: try to improve more and write id in comments!!
Update: Glow level has been adjusted to be more efficient
Update: 33% bigger injectors and lower back pressure from the exhaust.Side note: the engine likes more gas so when started go for a little acceleration right after so it runs smoother and oil wont be stuck in the piston chamber:)))
For kindasusorsomething: I have installed jacob1's mod and i did not have any problems with mine i suggest you to look for other mods that are interacting with each other and making it buggy. Have a nice day :))
For t00tt33t: Thanks for the mod name I will try it out :))
For kindasusorsomething: I did not disgn the engine to be mod compatible but if you are interested in it pls do try and send me the id pls :)) I would love to try it out
Its Nice
and it just breaks
actually the engine doesn't work in jacob1's mod. iron turns into SPNG and other rubbish
oh and i think someone should add spark plugs to make it mod compatible
oh actual mod name is "More Fuel Mod-Heavy"