Nationwide like thing. Idea from Soapwurmskill909. map by Avi
anarchist government?
We let The Shemalian People conquer their own land, once it's under the Shemalian flag, but dont allow them to do so with other nations.
force is used in direct military conflicts
passive expansion underway. - 2 supplies per day.
the Shemalian people now wish to conquer lands instead of obtain them peacefully.
stop major expansion for now, start passively expanding.
propaganda had a different effect. + 0.1k Force due to mass enlistment in the military.
Vrigorix: You now control northern Italy.
Slightly speed up expansion by setting up probaganda around cities saying: " LAND!!, THERE IS SO MUCH OF IT,IT'S BASICALLY FREE!!!!!."
Vrigorix: check the server for expansion equation.