it drills through things. this can be a really effective war weapon because just how it goes through everything, inspired by the game volcanoids. that thing on the front that is sparking is rotating ok?
IEATDIRT yep its scrapman
am i the only one who thinks that ScrapMan (made the volcanoids LP) is the person responsible for inspiring you to make this?
EllisSlushie: it's you dummy
neejuuuu and yeah uhh yeah just, dont dig too steep and everything will be fine
sealon_musk whats the difference? the plasma chamber would catch on fire but i will do it on the cryo things
now put a double wall with rocks infront
Use INSL. It isn't a cheat element since it could be destroyed by fire, plsm, lave, or others
There is No War in Ba Sing Se
drill what if it trys to dig down and all chemicals just pour out
wait why am I yellow