Vooperians and anti-cows are not allowed ever! everyone else can join! make anti-vooperian weapons, bases, and orbital cannons, and everything else to blow up all the vooperians into kingdom come! This virus must end!
I am attacking you right now. With any luck, we will persuade the majority of your empire to turn away.
*crystallite is weak at high temp
ayo, do they have to be specifically for the destruction of voops? cuz ive already got a few bombs and nukes thatll work, like, theyre not meant to destroy voops, but theyre still capable of it
Can't forget me
ight, ill try and get to that lol
and lastly, the strongest Voop ships aren't immune to dark energy cannons :)
all metals are vulnurable to nanobots
crystalite is weak at negative temp, so get cryo lasers
i'll get some weapons up, do the voops have any specific types of weaknesses?
noice lol