The laws of f a r d physics allow this f a r d to potentially exist, however it has not happened in the history of the f a r d iverse.
JozeffTech: applauding a practical troll user is the dumbest thing I've seen today
Phoenix2k10: maybe but he likes to troll a lot, and if you do!'t like it then stop looking at it
and of course i'm swarmed with people agreeing with the next chanman.
LiquidPlasma: this will be the first time i agree with you
LiquidPlasma does have a point, these memes on the powder toy get old fast.
LiquidPlasma now has my sympathy. He adequately critiqued your save, and then brilliantly performed a counter-attack. Have my applause, Plasma.
@liquidPlasma In fact you are using ironically incorrectly what would be their is unironically
LOL the please add text here thing i think i saw once in a game as a easter egg or something
apologies for reupload
oh shoot