LiquidPlasma: I feel like telling you this now. On this game you have the thinking power of a damn termite and will do anything to make you seem good, even when that is not true. You unnecessary scream at any save any chance you have, and the fact remains you are likely to be the next chanman.
My 15 minutes are up, see you next week.
Ironically, and I'm using "ironically" correctly here unlike you did, you seem to take great care and time in always writing responses. It is amusing. You could, just like, you know, ignore me, or complain to jacob1 and have me blocked from commenting on your saves as others have done? You've brought this on yourself through lack of action.
I have a life. I've got a job and am doing very well in it. What you don't realise is I spend like 15 minutes on tpt every week and I really don't care about it at all.
LiquidPlasma: me who's waiting for LiquidPlasma to realise that he is going down the same route as Chanman176 and he should get a life:
Next Fard: Overused Joke That Wasn't Very Funny In The First Place Fard