Welcome to the beautiful planet of CA-22232! to enter and start up a colony, put in the coments the color, name, and co-ordinents of your faction. Thanks to superbantom for the UI
@R4WLYX added! sorry for the long wait
@R4WLYX will add you in a bit
@superbantom i have played on a wide, just wanted to make my own
also just to inform you but you have not really ever played a wide, maybe do not host a wide until you have some decent experience, like 3-6 months of being a player, and then i would not reccoment hosting. there seems to be a strange trend of people starting their own tiny wides when they have never even played one, give up and join a better wide like Dirangar
Name:Endeavour, x:105 y:123 on the sience outpost
honest mistake
OH, my bad, i though it was from ill properly credit ya @superbantom
you need to give credit to me, as i made most of the ui, and it has been heavily modified from what MT made
you have been added
ok (ctm