Put the bullets in the clip, then spark the bolt. I flipped it around because most guns are right handed and added 2 more PSCN things that you can spark.
nOoOoO i DoN't wAnT tO bE bAnNeD!
oMg sWaEr wOrD iMa rEpRoT
Oh no! Anyway...
reporting for swear words
Very nice, it just needs a few modifications: A smoke venting (or removal) system, and a retractable feed system (at the moment it pulls the block down into the magazine when reversed). +1
this is awsome
also the crmc turns ito clst sometimes due to negative pressure so you might want to use a stronger material for example titanium
There is smoke left by the TNT, I could fix it by adding CRAY but I'm too lazy to.
sometimes it breaks but if you make it so that it doesnt break, it will be even better
this is not something like a gun, this is a gun and a good one +1