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29th Nov 2021
10th Jan 2022
A new* nationwide by erictom333! To join, comment coords, name and color. Tech starts at the start of the bronze age.
wide nationwide helmand nuke


  • R4WLYX
    9th Jan 2022
    and try to mine/trade for new materials that my nation doesn't have
  • R4WLYX
    9th Jan 2022
    also make a law organization for all of my allies' and my nation to (hopefully) help stabilize the nations and stop inhumane acts and wrongdoings
  • R4WLYX
    9th Jan 2022
    and also train/hire some people to be law enforcers they are only allowed to give charges and not attack civilians
  • R4WLYX
    9th Jan 2022
    5. 10% of farm produce must be given away to people in need of food, 6. you are only allowed to trade with my nation's currency (Iron coin = 20 credits, Bronze coin = 5 credits, Tin coins = 1 credits) 7. you need to pay taxes in the form of 5% of your income, 8. All slaves/workers must be payed a minimum of 5% of the total income
  • R4WLYX
    9th Jan 2022
    make a few rules wich will be the law in my nation that, 1. no one is allowed to settle in the military province, 2. everyone is allowed a weapon, if they have a permit and is not convicted of any murder, 3. no murder, 4. no illegal trades (illegal trades include: addictive substances, my nation's armour, tools, and weapons, unless it's being traded to my allies),
  • erictom333
    9th Jan 2022
    Lilsawblade: Sure, just tell me color, coords and name.
  • erictom333
    9th Jan 2022
    connorhatescorn: No, magic does not exist. Also you are being attacked by pirates.
  • erictom333
    9th Jan 2022
    R4WLYX: You are punishing people for settling in the military province and destroying their settlements and putting up walls to discourage people.
  • erictom333
    9th Jan 2022
  • R4WLYX
    9th Jan 2022
    yes, it's not full, I don't think so anyways