Massive credit to Loadstar, BunkerStikerUA, and batterymaker for helping me make possibly the most realistic human body in TPT! DISCLAIMER: This is not the real BODY V5. Please leave suggestions in the comments. NEWTONIAN GRAVITY AND VERTICAL GRAVITY ON!
scp_4950: Im sorry that wont be possible. With the body's design, protons would cause a short ciruit and it won't prove useful in any way because we can already see inside of his body.
ct and xray that things and make a seperate save for that
and mri
add radiology
Update log 19/9/2022 [CREDIT TO BUNKERSTRIKERUA]: Capnography technology has been added to help with resuscitation and diagnosis of the body. Basically, it detects the amount of CO2 per exhalation of the human. Use it by putting it up to his mouth. Other than this, blood o2 has also been readded to the simulation. Both of these graphs can be used to identify ROSC (Return Of Spontaneous Circulation: Successful Resuscitation).
BunkerStrikerUA: TYSM, this will be an incredibly useful tool in this save!! Thanks for your contribution!
yes you can use it if you provide credit and id of save
you are gonna get to a point where you have 1:1 replica of the human body
Update log: Positive Pressure Breathing is added for a more realistic approach to breathing. Updated CO2 and O2 exchange. Added stimuli that increase breathing rate (Adrenaline, Pain) and decrease breathing(the blue anesthesia liquid in the tank located behind the body). PS Pain is induced by hurting the stomache, which for now, is experimental.
wow it changed so much