6 / 0
7th Dec 2021
7th Dec 2021
Using the power of PHYSICS we can calculate temperatures in advance! I tried to explain/simplify the process, but TPT's text limits thwarted me. Also, 1px approx. = 1kg (of WATR at least)


  • TPTbomb
    7th Dec 2021
    im not getting all the physics stuff, but in this case can't you just do (72+20)/2?
  • goglesq
    7th Dec 2021
    Fun fact, TPT uses kelvin for the property tool and returns kelvin when using code to get the temp of a pixel.
  • R4WLYX
    7th Dec 2021
    Also it already shows the temperature in celcius in the HUD
  • R4WLYX
    7th Dec 2021
    Well using logic, since 0 = 273.15 c so that means 273.15 = 0 c, so if you want say 1,000 c do 1,000 + 273.15 = 1273.15 so the equation is f(x) = x + 273.15, noice and easy