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7th Dec 2021
7th Dec 2021
The cows aren't trying to fight, or steal your liver, so why fight them? What did bovines do to you for them to be massacred by toddlers? Let us have a break, Moosus!
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  • Tamsih
    10th Dec 2021
    you know that is literaly why He is dead?He rained helfire in others ,they rained helfire in him back,He came up whit some imposible Arguments to survive,and i triked him to argue whit His own Arguments why He is still alive. so He quit literaly fought himself to the death .
  • SamDwich
    10th Dec 2021
    And the point of being in the Boviniverse is to be part of a peaceful cow community which will do its best to shelter its people from the constant external hellfire from other users.
  • SamDwich
    10th Dec 2021
    Tamsih: nope. also usually i don't care what happens but hell no am i letting you do that to 7shot
  • Tamsih
    10th Dec 2021
    oh,it has to be around 90000000 Kilometers big. is there such a Portal anywhere near?
  • Tamsih
    10th Dec 2021
    If you decide and use that to your or others Advantage,then whats the point in being in the bovuniverse. ima head out. where is the next portal Out of it?
  • SamDwich
    10th Dec 2021
    Tamsih: I decide what happens in the Boviniverse and I say. no.
  • Tamsih
    10th Dec 2021
    so,He had the choice to ither die in the bovuniverse,or die in the earth and moon save,or die in both.
  • Tamsih
    10th Dec 2021
    i got him into an argument whit His own Arguments why He is still alive in bovuniverse. He axepted to live in another universe,and die in the bovuniverse.
  • SamDwich
    9th Dec 2021
    Tamsih: I say no he did not
  • Tamsih
    9th Dec 2021
    i don't know If that means anithing to you but it Just Kind of hapened.