Tamsih: They aren't saying it's mind control dumbas, it's just there are too many strains of Kinolls for implants to be practical. Also your method is likely to keep Kinolls evolving which it what we definitely don't want.
thats the practicall Thing about them one is enought for every desease.
one impalnt cann adapt to every one of them.
im only tring to help.and that sort of solution has a few more benefits than you think. especialy,every cow that just says that the goverment wants to implant them whit brain Control will have to Deal whit a desease. so every Potential rebel.and every being that is just to uninteligent to understand facts.
Tamsih: As of this message there are about 1400 species of Kinolls, so that is a lot of implants.
the implants are updating constantly everitime a more resistant Thing is discovered, and they Not only cures the desease,but also make the antibodies to stop Its spreading.they Just build the new antibodies needet for a new desease,and the only thing the Implant has to be configured for is the unike phisiology of a cow brain.
Tamsih: Kinolls is unknown to your technology and is resistant and quick to spread, that might not help, or may even speed it up. Besides, Kinolls evolves like wildfire and an implant may only work for a few days before a new strain resistant to it emerges.
so a simple bio scann of a cow brain,wich isn't invasiv,and a simple scann of the desease schould alow me to reconfigure the implants to imunisise the cows who get implants.
Well, knarock had to Deal whit a few milion desiases over time... and then we found a was to make us resistant to ans desiase es dann scan by implanting us whit brain implants to Interface whit Machines and other people whit implants,and generate biological nanobots that kill desias cells,cancer,viruses,and unwanted bacteria,and even Speed up cell regroth.