If you can pierce this, the virus will die. Much hardier than Alchys, will survive practically anything we have currently.
Given how much titanium is in it it is more a nanobot than a biolgical virus. Also last time I got the kinolls, I didn't spew out protons. At least I think I didn't.
i will leave
o wait ok
what if you put the gene inside the kinolls then?
mr_hyperspace: also you aren't in the boviniverse
mr_hyperspace: kinolls lets off a mixture of chemicals into the surrounding area which allows it to denature nearby cells
is manages to peirce the first layer, perhaps this could help
id: 2833885
a genetically modified alchys may cause it tobe eradicated, then we could use the alchys vaccine to destroy the alchys
to hijack the virus and destroy it