28 / 1
23rd Dec 2021
31st May 2022
Bit of a Eureka moment last night that solved problems with charge loss and quantity of rounds. The Lithium clips themselves are free to copy but the example weapons are there for reverse engineering. Please enjoy.
lithmag lithiummag denderth guns embr lithium lith


  • Denderth
    21st May 2022
    I was really tired while writing the last comment, but yeah, the ctype is what relates to charge, not life. Life, iirc, relates more to one of the other reactions.
  • Sandboxvoid
    21st May 2022
    TheCombustionChamber: The Ctype effects LITH charge not life.
  • Denderth
    21st May 2022
    The idea is that the clips basically simulate how a gun works in that each shot is equivalent to that of a single projectile round. Granted, for higher capacity weapons, you could alter the life value to fire more if need be.
  • TheCombustionChamber
    20th May 2022
    And you want to make it when you press the trigger always fire 1 shot?
  • TheCombustionChamber
    20th May 2022
    You could maybe give the LITH a life of 10 and make it push the mag every 10 shots.
  • Sandboxvoid
    17th May 2022
    Denderth: yeah its kinda tricky, I had to space each lith pixel about 3 pix apart, that's why my plasma pistol has such a small mag.
  • Denderth
    15th May 2022
    I'm kind of hoping that people can use the clips to design their own weaponry and such.
  • Denderth
    15th May 2022
    @ae In essence, this save's to demonstrate the clips, so the actual gun mechanisms can really just be designed however you prefer. I'm planning on, at some point in the future, redesigning the clips or at least adjusting the PSTN to synchronise it a bit better.
  • Denderth
    15th May 2022
    @Sandboxvoid Maybe. It's an idea to certainly consider and such.
  • ae
    15th May 2022
    it's a bit bad that the guns only really work when the trigger is being held down