An upgraded version of Moonwalker, with 8-bit ariphmetics and more functions. I will further improve it. Update: fixed counter state shift.
I think I will need to add 4-bit addition as a faster way of performing some simple operations.
ok (too short)
It's not rational. You already lose time on converting FILT to SPRK, so why waste it again on converting it back? I have already started working on optimised chip, so expect it in about two hours or so.
i done chip id:2838826
There's no need for copying. You see, it will be faster to just strip down the converters (as all the output is already in FILT) and connect it directly. It will reduce many converting operations and make the chip faster. I already started working on it.
and can i copy all processor to make FILT-INST chip?
and my RAM work like in this save id:2634565
i can make INST-FILT input chip
Also, it will require me to make some modifications, so it's better to just re-build the whole chip.
OK, but I will have to leave INST for instruction input - it has its own spectre.