have you ever seen a planet that has gravity that at somew points has 200g force downward,at some places ,No gravity or dren force,and Constantly heats up as If a star was inside it? and a Atmosphere that sometimes burns, sometimes has Fusion,and sometimes just moves very fast?and that sometimes explodes ,just to be puled Back together by a giand gravitational force?
prob my equipment had a radiation leak
Tamsih: shut the fck up, this is a harsh planet. It has a crushing atmosphere, lead-melting temperatures, and corrosive air
this is Not to be taken as a ofense or a chalange.
you think thats harsh?than try and survive on 3716el-2. (Its a planet whit the Mineral:gec, making it very instabil,hot and gravitationaly inconsistant.gec is what you get when using a rem-d in a black hole,wich is Physikly posible,and Something that could realy hapen. (the planet however is Not realy posible, and only exists as a Made up conzept in the knarock planet colection,wich is a room whit very strange planets in it.))
Ilovegam3z: Venpol is not radioactive.
i put some deut there and it exploded what your armor is made of
venpol is very radioactive