knarock will provide 2 buisnes class manufactury, mining,and construction ships with the necessary paws to work them and a small scale fabricator dock,4 independence class cruisers,and the customary support ships and medical installations,and temporary crews to keep them running and working until your people are trained in using them,and that in exchange for 2 tons of he3. it's always nice doing buisnes with you.
@Hasan2012Playz yes, i do think we should, in fact, we are currently at war with the mysterious Faron, so far it's one of the biggest and most crippling wars we've been in, too, so improving our military power is one of our highest priorities at the moment.
@Tamsih That all seems good, i will initiate the trade deal.
hello rubidian government do u guys think we should upgrade the army in case of war
and to sweeten the deal, how about a buisnes class? named after the two ships that made the construction of the first troy class possible. capable of manufacturing, managing,and setting up sistem wide asteroid mining and defensive structures,and capable of making large steel products and production sistems,space metal pottery,and lastly, capable of creating the ivnfrastructure needed to make a 5 killometer thick nicle iron hull,a solar beam to give it some firepower,and a engine to move it.
hmmmm, heavy armor with low tonage is rare...but I think I've got something for you.independence class cruiser type c.super heavy frontal shield,30 10 terawat areal coverage laser collimators,powered by a central fusion pumped laser emitter,10 mirmidon hangars,5 heavy mechanized batle suits,ai class 0,5,1 meter carbon titan armoring, fusion engine and kk drive,mass drivers, point defense,and 200 kews. 15000 tons,which is unique for that level of firepower and the strength of the frontal shield
It doesn't really matter which types of ships you give us, but we prefer defense-based and heavily armored ships.
good. then there's one last thing I gotta ask,what types of ship's do you want? name a type of ship, I'll tell you the waight in tons,and then you decide if you want it.
@Tamsih sure, that seems about right.
hmmmm,that means you could buy around 8 thousand tons of ship.... how about we change 4000 to 5000 per ton?