Comment if you would like an apartment. I will make more buildings if needed. First two get luxury apartments (right hand side). If you would like to create your own furniture, create a save and tag it dfta.
I would suggest putting it in this as your own orivate jet, or as a special contest thing like mine
hey, you won the private jet!!!!!
hey, you can look up my level "Beach Side Resort Apartments" to see my apartment level I made, I gave credit for shape of rooms, dont worry. You may even win the private jet if you answer the riddle.
thank you, it is fine
Your apartment will be added on the weekend.
Sure, you can use pretty much anything. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but we were moving house.
Ill give credit and vote up.
hey, do you mind if I use just the shape of the rooms like mine. I will JUST USE THE SHAPE, Nothing else, and i'll give credit
actually, never mind, im doing something with it