88 / 16
21st Mar 2022
24th Mar 2022
that is, two sextillion, three hundred thirty three quintillion, eight hundred ninety three quadrillion, two hundred eighty four trillion, nine hundred eight billion, one hundred fourty three million, eight hundred fifty thousand, one hundred sixty nine
badmath goodmath stkm bomb computer size photon sign information


  • TiredTech
    23rd Mar 2022
    Big numbers are fun. This save doesn't prove anything, and nobody thinks it actually represents the true size of TPT.Y'all are too serious. Don't harp on the guy who decided to post his random project. If people like it, and the topic isn't anything serious, why be critical of a person's work? Let's all foster an atmosphere of joy and praise. We can be positive about the work that is put in, and not be negative about the work that is not.
  • Noah_Kerman
    23rd Mar 2022
    Actually light speed isn't real. 299.792.458 m/s was just a speed given to light to help solve equations and stuff. As I said, the speed of photons can vary, so the speed of light isn't really a solid number. For all we know, lightspeed could almost be infinite and could have almost no limits in speed.
  • Noah_Kerman
    23rd Mar 2022
    In real life, light isn't always travelling "light speed." It can be slowed down to a slower speed via various methods.
  • superbantom
    23rd Mar 2022
    muzau: stop ranting about a save someone made for fun in a sandbox game. it really does not matter that he chose arbitrary variables it was just a fun though experiment.
  • muzau
    23rd Mar 2022
    @Zaralis: You're misunderstanding my point. Even in a case where you're providing a "for fun example" it is important to derive variables correctly otherwise you are teaching yourself to incorrectly abstract real world problems into tangible mathematical problems. I am saying a lot more than "this doesn't work in reality", i'm saying that the variables he chose are not appropriate and don't matter for making these calculations.
  • DustinVille
    23rd Mar 2022
    if thats the case then stickmen are incomprehensibly huge eldrich gods
  • micro
    23rd Mar 2022
    Dident a dev at one point say 1 pixel = one meter squared? Maybe im thinking of someone else. either way thats still inacurate.
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    23rd Mar 2022
    also did you read all that? probably not
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    23rd Mar 2022
    muzau:PS:he means if IF it was real not that it is i mean come one think about it if TPT was real that would mean stuff like vibranium is real and that would possibly mean extraterrestrials either way he did it for fun not for any specific reason just like on how matpat likes to find the lore of every single thing or on how Austin ya know the guy from "THE SCIENCE" likes to apply science to video games video games of all things it's for fun
  • AS_softwares
    23rd Mar 2022
    TheCombustionChamber: id:2874572 the smaller full filt spec decoder/encoder that can exist + some filt tech