88 / 16
21st Mar 2022
24th Mar 2022
that is, two sextillion, three hundred thirty three quintillion, eight hundred ninety three quadrillion, two hundred eighty four trillion, nine hundred eight billion, one hundred fourty three million, eight hundred fifty thousand, one hundred sixty nine
badmath goodmath stkm bomb computer size photon sign information


  • TheCombustionChamber
    22nd Mar 2022
    @AS_softwares Why?
  • muzau
    22nd Mar 2022
    @Bee_gamer45 you need to spend some time learning actual math. You can't just "assume" these random points of reference. This is how you end up with internet math wizards who think they're geniuses but couldn't simplify a two variable algebraic expression on the spot
  • muzau
    22nd Mar 2022
    These variables are completely arbitary. You could literally change your "say 1px = 1s" to any numbers and refit this to literally any answer. 1 second is 1 second. The number of frames elapsed over 1 second is the only relevant number to these calculations, and even then the answer is completely useless.
  • AS_softwares
    22nd Mar 2022
    your filt decoder is very bad.
  • TheCombustionChamber
    22nd Mar 2022
    The grammar is very bad.
  • Teneiger10
    22nd Mar 2022
    For some reason my brain wanna say "Its TPT Science!"
  • LeEpicBaconEpic
    22nd Mar 2022
    you'll need to obtain all water from every planet in existence even going through other universes
  • LeEpicBaconEpic
    22nd Mar 2022
    wait all the planets wouldn't be even enough for 7 lightyears wide of deuterium oxide
  • LeEpicBaconEpic
    22nd Mar 2022
    imagine ravaging all the planets in the whole universe to obtain 7 million lightyears of deuterium oxide only to compress it into glowing 6 lightyears of explosive radioactive heavy water and blow it up to deal tiny damage smh
  • LeEpicBaconEpic
    22nd Mar 2022
    my 43 IQ can't process how useful is a 3x3 pixel deuterium bomb now