i just recently learned that MERC instantly deletes neutrons that hit it and it makes working with solids and neutrons about 900% less agonizing
Earthblox: EMP turns most sparked electronics into NTCT/PTCT and then into BREL.
That pipe seems to be in charge of making sure the PQRT doesnt overflow. normally, any PQRT that ends up in that area will be transported back up to be recycled, but if the PQRT happens to be full, then it will travel down the mystery pipe and be deleted instead.
the one at these coords, x: 94 y: 315
no the exot pipe is on the right. i said left.
breaks any working electronics into BREL
as a new got player what is the emp for
also id like to mention i have a working prototype of a gravitational confinement system for dark EXOT, so i might be able to get a dark EXOT processing factory up soon ish (eventually)
The system is also needs to shut down all power to anything with silicon based electronics in it (which is a lot of things) in order to safely run the EMP system (to make BREL), so I have it set up to run a safe shutdown of the entire factory every 1500 ticks, then pulse the EMP generator, then restart the factory. this process, while necessary, makes it quite slow